Department Academic Personnel Deadlines

Departments require additional lead-time in order to meet these deadlines. Please contact your Department Manager for specific information. 


•    May 2024

2024-25 CALL for senate and non-senate faculty academic personnel actions distributed from the Academic Personnel Office (APO) and available in DivData. The Call for other non-senate academic personnel actions will be distributed by the Dean's Office for the annual non-senate Call meeting.

•    June 3, 2024

Fall quarter 9/9 temporary teaching faculty appointment dossiers due to the Dean's Office (excludes graduate student instructors. Baskin Engineering fall GSI deadline was April 5, 2024).

•    July - August 2024 (dates will vary)

30 days in advance of the department's established deadline to submit review materials for senate faculty (this may match campus’s deadline), deadline for candidates requests for extensions, with Chair approval, due to the Dean's Office.

•    July 15, 2024

Deadline to pool qualify applicants for winter Unit 18 Lecturer appointments.

•    August - September 2024 (dates will vary)

Departments should notify the Dean's Office of any senate faculty on the CALL who failed to submit their materials by the established deadline. (Or the next business day of the established deadline)

•    September 2024

Notices will be sent by the Dean to senate faculty whose review actions have been deferred due to late submission of materials.

•    September 2, 2024

Pre-six Unit 18 Lecturers reappointed for 2024-25 on the 9/9 basis starting in winter quarter due to the division. Allow extra time if a visa extension or waiver of recruitment is needed.

•    September 2, 2024

Deadline to notify the division of course assignments for 9/9 winter 2025 TBDs included in pre-six lecturer reappointment letters or to submit change requests, if the TBD cannot be fulfilled.

•    September 2, 2024

Winter 9/9 Unit 18 workload increases due to the division.

•    September 30, 2024

Outside Professional Activities (APM 025) individual reports for the previous year due to Departments (senate faculty and adjunct professors with 50%+ pay). Faculty must use the OATS System.

•    October 3, 2024*

Excellence reviews for Non-Senate Faculty Continuing Status to be effective winter quarter due to the Dean's Office.

•    October 7, 2024

Graduate Student Instructor files due to division for winter quarter. [See CCI deadline, add 3 weeks lead time for the division. GC's deadline is the same as CCl's.]

•    October 7, 2024

Deadline to pool qualify applicants for spring Unit 18 Lecturer appointments.

•    November 1, 2024

Department requests for extensions to November 27, 2024 deadline to submit senate merit dossiers due to the Dean's Office.

•    November 15, 2024

Deadline to notify the division of course assignments for 9/9 spring 2025 TBDs included in pre-six lecturer reappointment letters or to submit appointment changes requests, if the TBD cannot be fulfilled.

•    November 27, 2024

Completed senate, and adjuncts with salary, merit dossiers due to the Dean's Office. Please forward earlier than the published deadline if completed.

•    December 2, 2024

Pre-six Unit 18 Lecturers reappointed for spring quarter only and Spring 9/9 unit 18 workload increases due to the division. Allow extra time if a visa extension or waiver of recruitment is needed.

•    December 13, 2024

Department requests for extensions to January 17, 2025 deadline to submit senate files with external letters (promotion and initial above-scale), step 6, and mid-career dossiers due to the Dean's Office.

•    January 9, 2025*

Excellence reviews for Non-Senate Faculty continuing status to be effective spring quarter due to the Dean's Office.

•    January 16, 2025

Graduate Student Instructor files due to division for spring quarter. [See CCI deadline, add 3 weeks lead time for the division. GC's deadline is the same as CCl's.]

•    January 17, 2025

Senate files and with-salary Adjunct files with external reviewer letters (promotion and initial Above Scale), Step 6, and Mid-Career files due to the Dean's Office. Please forward earlier than the published deadline if completed.

•    February 10, 2025

Non-Senate Professional Research actions requiring CAP review (e.g. professional research accelerations, or research merit to step 6) due to the division for a July 1 start date.

•    February 24, 2025

Call for 2025-26 DCAP membership nominations will be distributed.

•    March 1, 2025

Final Leave and Buyout requests due to the Dean's Office.

•    March 3, 2025

Files with external reviewer letters (Promotion and Above Scale), Step 6, and Mid-Career files due to APO

•    March 20, 2025

Review files for Continuing Appointees due to the Dean's Office. These include: promotion to CL* (aka ICR, excellence reviews), merits for CL, promotion to senior continuing lecturer (SCL), merits for SCL.

•    March 21, 2025

Academic personnel actions for Dean's authority research titles (Research, Project, Specialist) and temporary teaching faculty (Unit 18 Lecturers, Visiting Professors) with July 1 effective dates requiring DCAP review, visa extensions, or waivers of recruitment due to the Dean's Office.

•    March 27, 2025

Deadline to pool qualify applicants for fall Unit 18 Lecturer appointments. 

•   March 28, 2025

2025-26 DCAP Nominations due to the Dean's Office.

•    April 1, 2025

Formal appointment offers for senate faculty to be effective in 2025-26 must be made if intercampus transfer from another UC campus. (deadline can be waived if other campus agrees. This is handled by BE AP and APO).

•    April 8, 2025

Pre-six Unit 18 Lecturers (re)appointed for 2025-26 on the 9/12 basis (3 quarters) due to the division. This deadline applies to Lecturers with a July 1 effective date.  Allow extra time if a visa extension or waiver of recruitment is needed.

•    April 10, 2025

Graduate Student Instructor files due to division for fall quarter. [See CCI deadline, add 3 weeks lead time for the division. GC's deadline is the same as CCl's.] 

•    April 11, 2025

Academic personnel actions for research titles (Research, Postdoc, Project Sci, Specialist), visiting professor titles, and non-unit 18 temporary teaching faculty (Visiting Profs, Recall Teaching) with July 1 effective dates not requiring DCAP review, visa extensions, or waivers of recruitment due to the Dean's Office.

•    April 11, 2025

Deadline for July 1 effective workload increases for Unit 18 Lecturers.

•    April 30, 2025

Formal appointment offers for senate faculty to be effective in 2025-26 must be made to tenured or tenure-track candidates from AAU institutions and other California institutions. 

•    May 2025

2025-26 CALL for senate and non-senate faculty academic personnel actions distributed from the Academic Personnel Office (APO) and available in DivData. The Call for other non-senate academic personnel actions will be distributed by the Dean's Office for the annual non-senate Call meeting.

•    May 15, 2025

Deadline to notify the division of course assignments for 9/9 fall 2025 TBDs included in pre-six lecturer reappointment letters or to submit change requests, if the TBD cannot be fulfilled.

•    May 30, 2025

Fall quarter 9/9 temporary teaching faculty appointment/reappointment dossiers due to the Dean's Office (excludes graduate student instructors. Baskin Engineering fall GSI deadline was April 7, 2025). 




*Excellence Reviews for NSF Continuing Status are conducted during the academic year in which the 18th quarter of service occurs and should be completed prior to the commencement of the 19th quarter. Deadlines for each quarter are listed above.

If you are unclear on whether a scholar's appointment will meet J-1 visa criteria or whether an H-1B will be needed, please consult with the Baskin Engineering Academic Personnel Analyst or Director.

The minimum lead times below exclude campus curtailments. 

•    Departments should allow 4 work weeks for position flyers to post to the Recruit system, after they are submitted to the division.

•    Non-senate academic personnel actions that do not require DCAP or CAP review for foreign scholars needing a new J-1 visa, including courtesy appointments, are due to the Dean's Office at least 12 work weeks prior to the proposed effective date. Add 4 work weeks if a waiver of recruitment is needed. If CAP or DCAP review is needed, consult with the academic personnel analyst. Unless there are special circumstances and arrangements made, J-1 scholars should be told to expect their appointment offers and visa documents to arrive via FedEx no later than 6 weeks prior to the effective date of their appointment. Detailed additional information on visa requirements can be found by going to the International Scholar and Student Services web site, "for department" page.

•    Actions for foreign scholars involving a J-1 transfer or J-1 extension are due to the Dean's Office at least 9 work weeks prior to the effective date.

•    Change in status from F-1 to J-1 for a scholar who remains in the country take 8-9 months from the point that they are submitted to ISSS and are due to the Dean's Office 9-10 months prior to the proposed effective date. Change in status from F-1 to J-1 for a scholar who leaves the country to re-enter with the visa take 1-2 months from submission to ISSS and are due to the Dean's Office 2-3 months prior to the start date. Depending on the title, the position may be supported for a change in status for F-1 to H-1B which tends to take less time.

•    Non-senate academic personnel actions with effective dates other than July 1, that do not require visa, DCAP, or CAP review, are due to the Dean's Office at least 8 work weeks prior to the proposed effective date. Add 4 work weeks if a waiver of recruitment is needed.

•    Contingent worker appointment dossiers (Research Fellow, Research Associate, Visiting Scholar, Visiting Scholar -Graduate, Visiting Scholar - Undergraduate) not needing a visa are due to the Dean's Office at least 4 work weeks prior to the proposed effective date.

•    Recalled Faculty (non-teaching) actions are due to the Dean's Office at least 6 work weeks prior to the proposed effective date. Add 4 work weeks for recalls associated with emeriti from other UC campuses for the Multi-Location Agreement process. See above deadlines for temporary teaching appointments for Recall Teaching requests.

•    H-1B visa processing for anyone located outside the U.S. should begin at the department level 10-11 months prior to the proposed effective date and should be submitted to the Dean's Office 8-9 months prior to the proposed effective date, for submission to ISSS 7-8 months in advance of the employment start date.

•    H-1B visa processing for extensions and change of status requests should be submitted to the Dean's office 3-4 months prior to the proposed start date. If the H-1B extension has been submitted to USCIS but is not approved prior to the employee's current H-1B end date, there is a grace period during which they may continue to work but cannot travel outside the U.S. during that time.