Student Experience of Teaching Survey (SETs)

Dates for Winter 2025:

OPEN: Monday, March 3, 7:00 AM
CLOSE: Sunday, March 16, 11:59 PM

Communication from faculty to their students is of the utmost importance to increase student response rates.

Faculty can:

  1. Remind students of the deadline and importance of evaluations after each class
  2. Reinforce the message that student responses remain completely anonymous
  3. Remind students that the responses will be used to improve future courses
  4. Help students understand how to give constructive criticism for valuable feedback that will be heard

Students will have a two-week window to complete online instructor evaluations.

An automated e-mail will be sent to all students enrolled in the course when the evaluations have opened with instructions on how to complete their Online Instructor Evaluations. An automated reminder e-mail will be received by students every other day until the evaluation is submitted or the evaluation period closes.

Please take the time to discuss Online SETs with your students. Educating students on the importance of the evaluations and encouraging them to participate is essential to the success of this process. Please note that with the WDYT platform, we cannot identify who has/hasn't participated, nor identify their response.

Accessing SETs:

Survey results are available in the campus SETs system approximately one day after grades are due. They are also available in DivaData Biobibnet approximately one month after the previous quarter ends.

From the campus SETs system: SETs from Summer 2018 forward are available in the campus SET system,, where you can interactively view anonymous SET results, including any questions you posed directly to your students, and also download reports to save for future use. If you have any trouble logging in to the SET system, help is available at

In DivData Biobibnet: You may already be aware that from Fall 2013 forward you may review your SETs directly through the DivData Biobibnet portal (these reports do not include questions posted directly by the instructor).

Use this link to access Biobibnet:

Follow these steps: 

  1. Log into DivData, and click on Biobibnet in the main menu bar.
  2. Click on the "Courses Taught" tab in the Biobibnet profile
  3. On the "Courses Taught" tab, find the links listed under the "Evaluations" column.
  4. Click on a link under the "Evaluations" column to view one set of evaluation data for a class. Each set corresponds to a single survey that was opened for that class. 

Help using DivData Biobibnet is available within the app, or by emailing

If after successful entry into Biobibnet, you notice anomalies for your evaluations or, for example, you do not see your evaluation for your course, send an email to:

For access to course evaluations prior to Fall 2013:

  1. Electronic copies of evaluations from Fall 2003-Fall 2013 can be requested by emailing Instructional Support
  2. Paper copies of course evaluations prior to Fall 2003 can be found in the E2-298 suite.  See the front desk for assistance (once SIP has been lifted).