Course Approval Process

New courses, and revisions to existing courses must first be vetted by respective departments. Upon submission, they are then reviewed by Instructional Support, Department Chair, Divisional Analyst, Associate Dean, CEP/GC, and Registrar's office. Upon approval, you will notified by Instructional Support. These revisions must be submitted by the quarterly deadlines found on the Course Approval Calendar.

Instructions to submit a new course or revise an existing one:

  1. Fill out and submit the appropriate forms that correspond to your proposal type. The chart below highlights which forms are needed for each type of revision. The 'X's are hyperlinks that will direct you to the appropriate form. Form submission will automatically notify Instruct.
  2. If required, access an editable syllabus template (for download) here. Once prepared, syllabi will need to be emailed to: CCI Syllabus Requirements can be found here. Please visit TLC's syllabus design webpage here.
  3. Answer any follow-up questions/provide additional information as needed. The Instructional Support team will notify you once your course revision/proposal has been approved.


Proposal Type Primary Form Supplemental Form Syllabus
New Course Approval X X X
Major Course Revision X X X
Minor Course Revision X (not required) (not required)


Additional Information

If you are proposing that a General Education (GE) requirement be fulfilled by a particular class (undergrad only), please additionally fill out the appropriate GE form. Only one GE can be applied to each course. Those forms can be found here: Completed GE forms are sent to Instruct.

If you are proposing that your course require a prerequisite/co-requisite that is outside of your department, please email Instruct a letter of support from the sponsoring department (forwarded/attached email is fine).


Course Revision Definitions

Minor course revisions include course renumbering, changes of title and/or description without changes to content, removing an existing cross-listing, changing the TIE code or component type without changing content, or making simple adjustments to enrollment restrictions (for example, adding or removing a single course or major prerequisite). Some minor changes may still trigger division and CCI review, depending on the extent of the change.

Major course revisions involve any items not listed above for minor course revision. CCI review and syllabus/forms are required for any changes that reflect change in content, modality, GE requirement, credit earned, course equivalency, or learning outcomes.


Modality Definitions

CCI's most recent definitions and guidelines on syllabus creation for "hybrid", "synchronous online", and "asynchronous online" can be found here.
Online definitions:

  1. Hybrid: 50% of class time includes required face-to-face interaction between the instructor and students, but may occasionally use Zoom or other video-conferencing technologies; Midterm or final exams are typically administered using the in-person component
  2. Synchronous Online: Lectures require synchronous face to face time online; associated activities can be mixed
  3. Asynchronous Online: synonymous with "fully online"; students go at own pace; most material is pre-recorded; little to no real time interaction with instructor