Proposal Resources

Applying for a grant? Use our Proposal Intake Form to start your proposal.

BE Proposal Development Support Matrix
This chart shows the alignment between staff support and proposal development stage, from early concept to submission.

Current Baskin Engineering Research Analyst Assignments

0. Find Funding: (federal opportunities)

Pivot grants database (see also UCSC Pivot Quick Guide).

Early Career Awards
Chart of key Foundation, Corporate, and Federal early career awards for Baskin Engineering faculty with award amounts and eligibility requirements.

Chart of Funding Opportunities
Minimalist overview of emails sent out to faculty in Baskin Engineering, including federal, corporate, and foundation opportunities.

Foundation Relations Calls for Funding
Website maintained by Foundation Relations with a list of RFPs they have distributed and competitions they are managing.

STEM Education Grants Overview (Infographic w/links to funder websites)

University of California - Office of the President

1. Helpful resources from the Office of Sponsored Projects:

Start a Proposal

Institutional Information

OSP proposal preparation website

OSP deadlines

OSP forms

2. General resources:

"Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty, Second Edition" based on workshops co-sponsored by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Comparison of Federal Agency Review Criteria: [full article] or [table only]

"Can We Talk? Contacting Grant Program Officers," by Robert Porter, University of Tennessee (pdf)

"What should be included in a letter of inquiry" from Grantspace website [accessed 10/22/18]
(NB: In the Foundation world, "letter of inquiry" is synonymous with "letter of intent.")

Philip Guo (UCSD) CAREER Resource Page with sample proposals and other relevant links [accessed 7/26/19]

"Twelve Steps to a Winning Research Proposal" by George Hazelrigg, National Science Foundation, 2000 [accessed 12/18/18 from the NSF CMMI CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop resource page]

NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Tips, Z.J. Pei, Texas A&M, 2011 [accessed 12/18/18]

3. Example files for NSF Fastlane submissions:

Use the NIH-developed SciENcv portal to create your NSF Biosketch and Current & Pending supplemental documents: Instructions and Video.

NSF Collaborators and Other Affiliations required template (COA)

NSF style budget justification

NSF style data management plan

NSF style postdoc mentoring

FAQs on NSF Proposal Preparation and Award Administration

4. NIH resources

See below for Outreach, Broader Impact, and Diversity resources

NIH Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples (NIH website)

What Happens To Your NIH Proposal (NIH-created video)

NIH Peer Review Revealed (NIH-created video -- mock panel discussion)

Ten Top Q&As for NIH Applications (NIH-created video)

"All About Grants" Podcasts (NIH-created series)

Apply to become a reviewer for NIH

NIH Grant Applications: The Anatomy of the Specific Aims Page (Michelle S.,, 4/9/15)

Yang, Otto. Guide to Effective Grant Writing: How to Write a Successful NIH Grant Application, 2nd edition. Springer Verlag. 2012.

5. Shared research facilities

Baskin Engineering Master Facilities, Equipment, and Resources Document

A list of shared research labs and facilities in SOE and at UCSC

6. Outreach, Broader Impact, and Diversity

Broader Impacts for Engineering

Demographics for Engineering

National Alliance for Broader Impacts: Guiding Principles for NSF Proposals

NIH links:

UCSC Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Policy Studies: UCSC Student Statistics

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics report, "Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019"

Independent Sector: Updates and a Resource on the Executive Order on Race and Gender

7. Links to tools

Cost estimator for graduate students

Tool for creating data management plan

For producing detailed travel estimates for proposal to federal agencies, use the General Services Admnistration’s Travel Resources website.

Per diem rates for federal travel

8. Team Science Resources

Team Science Toolkit (National Cancer Institute/NIH)

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science (National Academies Press 2015)

A New Vision for Center-Based Research (National Academies Press 2017)

9. Other bits and pieces

"Why You Should Volunteer to Serve as an NSF Reviewer"

NSF CISE FAQ for Reviewers

USF Database of Faculty Honors, Prizes, and Awards

10. For graduate students

Fellowships open to US and international students (updated 5/14/21)

Fellowships open to US citizens/nationals/permanent residents (updated 5/14/21)

Fellowship proposal writing resources by Karen Ruhleder:

· Posts on UIUC “GradLife” blog:

o   The Art of Proposal Writing: Proposal as Roadmap

o   The Art of Proposal Writing: Proposal as Genre

o   Letters of Reference for Fellowship Applications

o   Applying for Fellowships: Telling the “Story of You”

· Longer, more in-depth article on proposal writing for graduate students:

o   A Guide to Preparing Fellowship Applications in STEM